The Great Homeworlds Tournament of 2019

My main Homeworlds page

This tournament started at the end of July 2019. The last game ended in August 2020.


You can look at the results grid here for the outcomes of individual games as well as links to the games on the SDG archive. This is a great source of game records for studying strategy!

Wins Player's SDG ID
13 Babamots
12 Trydnt
11 Simon
10 ajo
9 bhorner
8 Draw5PlayAll
8 Felix
8 goulo
8 ts52
5 eliscinsky
4 wil
2 DodoBirb
2 Laurie_Menke
1 speardane
0 nycavri

I also ran PageRank on the tournament results, which is a method of assigning points to players according to which players they defeated. Defeating a strong player gives more points. The number of points that each player gets is a multiple of the sum of the points of their opponents. (I added 0.01 wins to every pair so that the directed win-graph was strongly connected.)

Here is the PageRank of the players:

  1. Trydnt (8041 points)
  2. Babamots (5260 points)
  3. goulo (5230 points)
  4. bhorner (4852 points)
  5. Simon (3797 points)
  6. ajo (3183 points)
  7. ts52 (2357 points)
  8. wil (1840 points)
  9. Draw5PlayAll (1781 points)
  10. Felix (1688 points)
  11. eliscinsky (953 points)
  12. DodoBirb (160 points)
  13. Laurie_Menke (159 points)
  14. speardane (148 points)
  15. nycavri (134 points)

Tournament Participation Instructions

Bits of advice

Tournament Links

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