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In this position, Beta would like to begin to deploy their Doomsday machine to destroy Alpha's blue star in two turns and their yellow star in three. However, the machine is incomplete. What's missing?

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What does it take for a three-turn Doomsday phase to succeed?

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Suppose that Beta follows the 2-turn blue, 3-turn yellow Doomsday script and that Alpha responds passively (rather than using their large- and yellow-ship advantages to create threats that Beta must respond to).

Beta demolishes Alpha's blue star and moves a y1 and than a y3 to Alpha, Beta has created a catastrophe threat but not a direct assault threat. Beta does not have enough red or green power. Alpha doesn't need to worry about Beta taking over all of their home ships (or building into an overpopulation), so Alpha can freely counterattack:

move b1 Altair Alpha
attack b1 Alpha
sacrifice y2 Altair
move b2 Altair Alpha
move b2 Altair Alpha
catastrophe Alpha b
sacrifice g3 Betelgeuse
build g3 Deneb
build y1 Betelgeuse
build y2 Deneb
move y1 Altair Alpha
attack y1 Alpha
move y3 Beta Alpha
sacrifice y3 Deneb
move r3 Alpha Beta
move y1 Alpha Castor
move g2 Deneb Alpha

Beta can't capture Alpha's home ships quickly enough, and Alpha's counterattack will win. Beta might have won if they had given themselves enough firepower to quickly end the game with captures if Alpha tries the counterattack above. For example, Beta could play:

trade b2 r2 Beta

Even with this improved move, Alpha has so much material that I believe they should win by ignoring the ships moving into their home and launching a counterattack.

This position is from a casual game on SDG.